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Zax Alien Hunter Serial Key

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Zax succeeds admirably with its simple aims. It handles one vital game design element extremely well: pacing.

Zax Alien Hunter Serial Key

Zax Alien Hunter

By Scott Osborne on

The shadow of Diablo looms large over the gaming landscape. Thanks to the phenomenal success of Blizzard's action-RPG franchise, more than a few games have borne its influence. Nox, Revenant, Darkstone, and Throne of Darkness, to name a few, seem to have borrowed from Diablo's isometric action-gaming formula, with its hordes of enemies and hypnotic mouse-clicking. Zax: The Alien Hunter, an action-adventure game from the aptly named Reflexive Entertainment, isn't shy about its influences. The developer trumpets Zax as a combination of Diablo and id's Quake, though Zax has little in common with the latter besides lots of shooting. Zax takes the basic action-packed gameplay of Diablo, puts it in a science-fiction setting, and comes up with a derivative but entertaining game.

Zax features a rather flimsy story, but it still provides a sturdy enough framework to hang the game's action on. The eponymous hero is out scouring the galaxy for profits when he's forced to crash-land on a remote planet. There he meets the primitive korbo, a dinosaur-headed agrarian species that lives in fear of an angry god, OM. OM, you learn, is really a powerful robot with a short temper and a legion of robotic minions. When Zax meets up with the korbo, he naturally discovers his do-gooder side and takes up the fight to liberate them from OM. It's a cliché-ridden plot that sounds a lot like one of the episodes from the original Star Trek TV series. The bland and sometimes childish dialogue doesn't help the story, and the attempts to make Zax sound like a cross between Han Solo and Duke Nukem usually fall flat, too. Lame one-liners like 'I'm the man!' just don't cut it, though Zax will utter a few funny retorts from time to time.

Like the story, Zax's gameplay is simple, if not simplistic: You run around and kill stuff. And then run around and kill more stuff. It's a classic gaming formula that can come across as vapid and boring or refreshingly fun. Thanks to Zax's excellent pacing and rewarding action, it's usually the latter here. You'll make your way through 2D prerendered landscapes, exploring lush jungles, alien temples, and innumerable twisting tunnel complexes. Along the way, you'll engage in a never-ending series of key hunts and lever-pulling exercises, with the occasional boss battle thrown in for good measure. Despite their different particulars, the level designs and goals feel very repetitive: You'll free yet another hapless korbo prisoner, switch on the power for some doohickey, or find more artifact pieces for some forgettable reason. That sort of repetition rarely becomes the problem it would be in other games: The level goals and layouts are really just there to funnel more monsters your way, arcade style. There's just enough diversity to hold your interest and keep the action flowing.

During your adventures, you'll face a range of death-dealing robots and native animals, like grunting warthog-like creatures that charge out of the underbrush at you. Similar to the classic arcade game Gauntlet, many of the robots continually spawn from monster generator pads until you destroy a nearby control panel. To fight the game's menaces, you'll employ weapons such as a modified laser welder, an automatic pistol, a sentry gun, a grenade launcher, and a missile launcher. Many of the weapons are superfluous since you can easily play through the game using just a handful of them. Weapon choice is more of a personal preference than anything. When using your guns, you'll find that the controls can feel a bit awkward at first but work very well with practice. You move Zax with the keyboard and move his targeting cursor independently with the mouse. The cursor doesn't show the exact spot where a weapon will hit, but rather the direction in which it will fire. These controls make Zax feel a bit like another '80s arcade classic, Robotron: 2084.

You'll learn about your weapons from Zelon, the female-voiced computer on Zax's ship. Zelon, affectionately known as Babe, relays story-based mission objectives, advice, and explanations. Babe might seem a bit too talkative for your taste, though. Her dialogue box will appear so frequently during a few of the early levels as to be distracting, sometimes even popping up during the middle of firefights thanks to scripted events.

Scripted events can interfere with gameplay in other ways too. You might run across a robot and find that you can't shoot at him until he's uttered a bit of dialogue first. That sort of awkwardness isn't uncommon in Zax. When OM was programming his robotic henchmen, he apparently forgot to finish their artificial intelligence. Despite a nearby battle, enemies seem to react only if you walk right next to them or activate hidden triggers in certain areas of the maps. Happily, believability isn't really important in an arcade-style action game like this. To compete against brighter opponents, you can play Zax online in three multiplayer modes: salvage king, deathmatch, and capture the flag. Trying to access multiplayer through a firewall can result in system lockups, though. In fact, a number of bugs, like one that drops you to the Windows desktop when you try to restart a mission, mar the game.

As you tackle Zax's hundred or so relatively small maps, you'll grab a variety of power-ups, often found hidden in ceramic pots or bamboo boxes that litter the landscape. Ore and crystals can be taken back to Zax's stranded ship, where they're transmuted into weapons and other gadgets by a materials generator. A native fruit can heal Zax's wounds. Floating spheres of energy left by destroyed robots recharge Zax's shields and some of his guns. More notable than the items you do find are the ones you won't: Other than an alien gun, there aren't any random items that boost your powers or abilities. Access to new weapons at your ship only seems to progress on a hidden timetable. Also, there are no character classes to choose and no skills to build up; you just play as the default character. While Zax does offer three difficulty levels, the single-player game is only around eight to 12 hours long. So, without those other features, replay value suffers. That's a lesson that Reflexive apparently didn't learn from Diablo.

Zax's visuals could certainly give the Diablo series a run for its money, though. The beautiful graphics show just how much life is left in 2D gaming: While the landscapes and creatures aren't particularly imaginative, they're crisp and colorful, and they show a really fine attention to detail. You can almost feel the dirt and jagged rocks near Zax's ship or the thatched roofs of a korbo village. Weapons, teleporters, and other high-tech gadgetry give off sparking and sparkling light shows. The designers rely on the game's isometric perspective for some cheap tricks, though, hiding robots and sentry turrets where you literally can't see them until it's too late. Vivid sound effects complement the vibrant visuals well. Other than the classy Zelon, the voice-overs and ambient elevator music are forgettable, though.

On paper, Zax: The Alien Hunter sounds like another Diablo wannabe, and in some ways it is. Other than really fine 2D graphics and lots of action, it theoretically doesn't have too much going for it: The story is weak, there's no real character building, you'll encounter few particularly interesting monsters or weapons, and you won't find much replay value. But in practice, Zax succeeds admirably with its simple aims. It handles one vital game design element extremely well: pacing. The speed of the battles, the intervals between enemy encounters, the time it takes to solve puzzles, and the balance between exploring and fighting are all deftly handled. If only more games could succeed as well in that regard. Ultimately, Zax is simple and repetitive in the same way that simple and repetitive arcade games of the past offered action-packed, addictive entertainment.

More of an alien fortune hunter than alien hunter, Zax is on a quest with the simple, appreciable goal of becoming really damn rich. He don't care about politics, or people, he's in it for the money, the moola, or in his case, the ore. He believes some of this rare and cherished ore to be located on an assumedly uninhabited planet, so he makes his approach to land, only to be suddenly shot down. Too bad what was first thought to be an uninhabited world turns out to be a planet comprised of the peaceful Korbos (goober aliens) and jerky, murderous biomechanical beasts led by the tyrannical Om. With the aid of his ship's sexy onboard artificial intelligence, Zelon, Zax is on a mission to find all the ore he needs to get the heck out of there while making a tidy profit, and maybe saving the whole place, if he's got the time.

Zax - The Alien Hunter is JoWood and Reflexive Entertainment's bust out take on the isometric scene, and while it can, at a glance be foolishly categorized as just another Diablo clone, it is in fact all about its own special implementation of action. But in doing this, it seems Zax may have forsaken a bit too much of the wisdom gathered from that of which it will be most compared to.

Graphically, the game is an artistic feast, an artistic, albeit static feast. Displaying up to an acceptable 800x600 resolution at up to 16-bit color, Zax features both stylish, lush backgrounds as well drawn and appropriately animated characters (at least as far as similarly designed RPG games go), but unlike most of our RPG aficionados here about the offices, I feel that the exceptional 3D capabilities of today's systems should not take a back seat to the ways of isometric art. I find the overly static backgrounds and fixed placement of pretty much everything to be somewhat debilitating and unbelievable, despite its lush, painted, outward appearance. Such is the case with Zax, the game is an excellent still frame painting, but the vast majority of the environment is purely decorative, statuesque, but pretty nonetheless.

Zax Alien Hunter Serial Key Generator

Too often does the art of the game also blend. It's sometimes hard to distinguish areas of interest, from ones that are just there to be there. Throughout the course of the title there were several instances, where, despite the effective auto-map, I was unable to find my way simply because of awkward placement of stalactites or some crap like that. What? You didn't know you were supposed to straddle the overhang portion of the wall where things go unseen? The reoccurring placement of power-ups and stuff inside of these areas is also bogus. You'd never know they were there unless you accidentally walked over them, or, God forbid, were mentally unstable and obsessive-compulsive enough to explore every inch of these areas just in case you missed that one piece of ore (must wash hands, must wash hands).

In terms of style, the game oozes it. The native, brontosaurus head, Korbos aliens are both loveable, familiar, and at the same time...well, alien. Zax himself is a little goofy and lowbrow cavemanish, but Zelon, his computer assistant is strangely attractive... It's gross because, while the body is certainly there, it looks as if her face was the unfortunate recipient of the impact from an orbital satellite falling to Earth (A VH-1 satellite no less). Even more disturbing in terms of her allure is the fact that she's a game character, or worse yet, an intangible artificial intelligence within a computer game. So, that means characters within the game itself would even find it wrong to be aroused by her.

Aurally the game is pretty fantastic, the acting is spot on; the brutish Zax is a bit laughable, but probably intentionally so, at least that's the way I took it. Zax, just after killing someone: 'I tried to warn you.' That's funny, I guess by, 'I tried to warn you' he probably meant, 'I emitted no noise prior to shooting you twenty times completely out of the blue except maybe me licking my gun.' The rest of them; Zelon, enemies, friendlies, wild pigs, are all well articulated and acted, and not just in videogame terms mind you, some of the stuff is real quality (it's no Digimon, but hey, nobody's perfect).

Sound effects are equally pleasing. Weapon discharges, explosive blasts, environmental quirks and chirps, and death shrieks are clear and well attuned; the standard light pistol and modified laser welder being some of my personal favorites. They have that cool, robust sound, and not the shrill zap associated with other energy weapons.

It's in the gameplay where Zax differentiates itself from Diablo and the like. Unlike the classic point the cursor, click the button a gagillion times to cause your character to move, attack, and use, style of 'play,' Zax takes an altogether different approach, twisting the tried and true formula into a new beast. Instead of delegating all tasks to the click, Zax melds simplistic keyboard directional arrow control with a little mouse aim. The end result? An at first strange, but then immediately thereafter legitimately gratifying experience. Think of Smash TV, where movement and firing were completely independent of one another. Zax works on the same principle; similar to Abuse, only overhead, Zax aims his weapon via an on screen cursor that moves like any other mouse pointer, he walks in an eight by simple arrow key combinations. This makes for some pretty intense shootouts, running one way and blasting another, but for the most part, the game sadly devoid of any real advanced control. It would have been nice to see some extra movement options complimenting the standard walk/shoot stuff. If the action were slowed just a tad, they could have placed in some kind of dodging/rolling functionality that would have made for more lasting, memorable firefights (darting in and out of cover taking fire and laying it down. Zax is sadly more like Gauntlet: shoot a whole bunch of guys and where applicable destroy their spawning points to prevent reinforcements.

Perhaps better would be using polygonal characters atop the prerendered backdrops as opposed to the hand-drawn ones in place. This would have allowed for a potentially greater degree of fluidity and control, forgoing the incremental eight-way directional movement in favor of a consistent, smooth, flowing turning radius. The stepped eight-way control just seems a bit imprecise for what is trying to be accomplished here. Still, the play found in Zax, judged as a shooter alone, is fun and fresh.

Zax Alien Hunter Serial Key

Zax Alien Hunter

By Scott Osborne on

The shadow of Diablo looms large over the gaming landscape. Thanks to the phenomenal success of Blizzard's action-RPG franchise, more than a few games have borne its influence. Nox, Revenant, Darkstone, and Throne of Darkness, to name a few, seem to have borrowed from Diablo's isometric action-gaming formula, with its hordes of enemies and hypnotic mouse-clicking. Zax: The Alien Hunter, an action-adventure game from the aptly named Reflexive Entertainment, isn't shy about its influences. The developer trumpets Zax as a combination of Diablo and id's Quake, though Zax has little in common with the latter besides lots of shooting. Zax takes the basic action-packed gameplay of Diablo, puts it in a science-fiction setting, and comes up with a derivative but entertaining game.

Zax features a rather flimsy story, but it still provides a sturdy enough framework to hang the game's action on. The eponymous hero is out scouring the galaxy for profits when he's forced to crash-land on a remote planet. There he meets the primitive korbo, a dinosaur-headed agrarian species that lives in fear of an angry god, OM. OM, you learn, is really a powerful robot with a short temper and a legion of robotic minions. When Zax meets up with the korbo, he naturally discovers his do-gooder side and takes up the fight to liberate them from OM. It's a cliché-ridden plot that sounds a lot like one of the episodes from the original Star Trek TV series. The bland and sometimes childish dialogue doesn't help the story, and the attempts to make Zax sound like a cross between Han Solo and Duke Nukem usually fall flat, too. Lame one-liners like 'I'm the man!' just don't cut it, though Zax will utter a few funny retorts from time to time.

Like the story, Zax's gameplay is simple, if not simplistic: You run around and kill stuff. And then run around and kill more stuff. It's a classic gaming formula that can come across as vapid and boring or refreshingly fun. Thanks to Zax's excellent pacing and rewarding action, it's usually the latter here. You'll make your way through 2D prerendered landscapes, exploring lush jungles, alien temples, and innumerable twisting tunnel complexes. Along the way, you'll engage in a never-ending series of key hunts and lever-pulling exercises, with the occasional boss battle thrown in for good measure. Despite their different particulars, the level designs and goals feel very repetitive: You'll free yet another hapless korbo prisoner, switch on the power for some doohickey, or find more artifact pieces for some forgettable reason. That sort of repetition rarely becomes the problem it would be in other games: The level goals and layouts are really just there to funnel more monsters your way, arcade style. There's just enough diversity to hold your interest and keep the action flowing.

During your adventures, you'll face a range of death-dealing robots and native animals, like grunting warthog-like creatures that charge out of the underbrush at you. Similar to the classic arcade game Gauntlet, many of the robots continually spawn from monster generator pads until you destroy a nearby control panel. To fight the game's menaces, you'll employ weapons such as a modified laser welder, an automatic pistol, a sentry gun, a grenade launcher, and a missile launcher. Many of the weapons are superfluous since you can easily play through the game using just a handful of them. Weapon choice is more of a personal preference than anything. When using your guns, you'll find that the controls can feel a bit awkward at first but work very well with practice. You move Zax with the keyboard and move his targeting cursor independently with the mouse. The cursor doesn't show the exact spot where a weapon will hit, but rather the direction in which it will fire. These controls make Zax feel a bit like another '80s arcade classic, Robotron: 2084.

You'll learn about your weapons from Zelon, the female-voiced computer on Zax's ship. Zelon, affectionately known as Babe, relays story-based mission objectives, advice, and explanations. Babe might seem a bit too talkative for your taste, though. Her dialogue box will appear so frequently during a few of the early levels as to be distracting, sometimes even popping up during the middle of firefights thanks to scripted events.

Scripted events can interfere with gameplay in other ways too. You might run across a robot and find that you can't shoot at him until he's uttered a bit of dialogue first. That sort of awkwardness isn't uncommon in Zax. When OM was programming his robotic henchmen, he apparently forgot to finish their artificial intelligence. Despite a nearby battle, enemies seem to react only if you walk right next to them or activate hidden triggers in certain areas of the maps. Happily, believability isn't really important in an arcade-style action game like this. To compete against brighter opponents, you can play Zax online in three multiplayer modes: salvage king, deathmatch, and capture the flag. Trying to access multiplayer through a firewall can result in system lockups, though. In fact, a number of bugs, like one that drops you to the Windows desktop when you try to restart a mission, mar the game.

As you tackle Zax's hundred or so relatively small maps, you'll grab a variety of power-ups, often found hidden in ceramic pots or bamboo boxes that litter the landscape. Ore and crystals can be taken back to Zax's stranded ship, where they're transmuted into weapons and other gadgets by a materials generator. A native fruit can heal Zax's wounds. Floating spheres of energy left by destroyed robots recharge Zax's shields and some of his guns. More notable than the items you do find are the ones you won't: Other than an alien gun, there aren't any random items that boost your powers or abilities. Access to new weapons at your ship only seems to progress on a hidden timetable. Also, there are no character classes to choose and no skills to build up; you just play as the default character. While Zax does offer three difficulty levels, the single-player game is only around eight to 12 hours long. So, without those other features, replay value suffers. That's a lesson that Reflexive apparently didn't learn from Diablo.

Zax's visuals could certainly give the Diablo series a run for its money, though. The beautiful graphics show just how much life is left in 2D gaming: While the landscapes and creatures aren't particularly imaginative, they're crisp and colorful, and they show a really fine attention to detail. You can almost feel the dirt and jagged rocks near Zax's ship or the thatched roofs of a korbo village. Weapons, teleporters, and other high-tech gadgetry give off sparking and sparkling light shows. The designers rely on the game's isometric perspective for some cheap tricks, though, hiding robots and sentry turrets where you literally can't see them until it's too late. Vivid sound effects complement the vibrant visuals well. Other than the classy Zelon, the voice-overs and ambient elevator music are forgettable, though.

On paper, Zax: The Alien Hunter sounds like another Diablo wannabe, and in some ways it is. Other than really fine 2D graphics and lots of action, it theoretically doesn't have too much going for it: The story is weak, there's no real character building, you'll encounter few particularly interesting monsters or weapons, and you won't find much replay value. But in practice, Zax succeeds admirably with its simple aims. It handles one vital game design element extremely well: pacing. The speed of the battles, the intervals between enemy encounters, the time it takes to solve puzzles, and the balance between exploring and fighting are all deftly handled. If only more games could succeed as well in that regard. Ultimately, Zax is simple and repetitive in the same way that simple and repetitive arcade games of the past offered action-packed, addictive entertainment.

More of an alien fortune hunter than alien hunter, Zax is on a quest with the simple, appreciable goal of becoming really damn rich. He don't care about politics, or people, he's in it for the money, the moola, or in his case, the ore. He believes some of this rare and cherished ore to be located on an assumedly uninhabited planet, so he makes his approach to land, only to be suddenly shot down. Too bad what was first thought to be an uninhabited world turns out to be a planet comprised of the peaceful Korbos (goober aliens) and jerky, murderous biomechanical beasts led by the tyrannical Om. With the aid of his ship's sexy onboard artificial intelligence, Zelon, Zax is on a mission to find all the ore he needs to get the heck out of there while making a tidy profit, and maybe saving the whole place, if he's got the time.

Zax - The Alien Hunter is JoWood and Reflexive Entertainment's bust out take on the isometric scene, and while it can, at a glance be foolishly categorized as just another Diablo clone, it is in fact all about its own special implementation of action. But in doing this, it seems Zax may have forsaken a bit too much of the wisdom gathered from that of which it will be most compared to.

Graphically, the game is an artistic feast, an artistic, albeit static feast. Displaying up to an acceptable 800x600 resolution at up to 16-bit color, Zax features both stylish, lush backgrounds as well drawn and appropriately animated characters (at least as far as similarly designed RPG games go), but unlike most of our RPG aficionados here about the offices, I feel that the exceptional 3D capabilities of today's systems should not take a back seat to the ways of isometric art. I find the overly static backgrounds and fixed placement of pretty much everything to be somewhat debilitating and unbelievable, despite its lush, painted, outward appearance. Such is the case with Zax, the game is an excellent still frame painting, but the vast majority of the environment is purely decorative, statuesque, but pretty nonetheless.

Zax Alien Hunter Serial Key Generator

Too often does the art of the game also blend. It's sometimes hard to distinguish areas of interest, from ones that are just there to be there. Throughout the course of the title there were several instances, where, despite the effective auto-map, I was unable to find my way simply because of awkward placement of stalactites or some crap like that. What? You didn't know you were supposed to straddle the overhang portion of the wall where things go unseen? The reoccurring placement of power-ups and stuff inside of these areas is also bogus. You'd never know they were there unless you accidentally walked over them, or, God forbid, were mentally unstable and obsessive-compulsive enough to explore every inch of these areas just in case you missed that one piece of ore (must wash hands, must wash hands).

In terms of style, the game oozes it. The native, brontosaurus head, Korbos aliens are both loveable, familiar, and at the same time...well, alien. Zax himself is a little goofy and lowbrow cavemanish, but Zelon, his computer assistant is strangely attractive... It's gross because, while the body is certainly there, it looks as if her face was the unfortunate recipient of the impact from an orbital satellite falling to Earth (A VH-1 satellite no less). Even more disturbing in terms of her allure is the fact that she's a game character, or worse yet, an intangible artificial intelligence within a computer game. So, that means characters within the game itself would even find it wrong to be aroused by her.

Aurally the game is pretty fantastic, the acting is spot on; the brutish Zax is a bit laughable, but probably intentionally so, at least that's the way I took it. Zax, just after killing someone: 'I tried to warn you.' That's funny, I guess by, 'I tried to warn you' he probably meant, 'I emitted no noise prior to shooting you twenty times completely out of the blue except maybe me licking my gun.' The rest of them; Zelon, enemies, friendlies, wild pigs, are all well articulated and acted, and not just in videogame terms mind you, some of the stuff is real quality (it's no Digimon, but hey, nobody's perfect).

Sound effects are equally pleasing. Weapon discharges, explosive blasts, environmental quirks and chirps, and death shrieks are clear and well attuned; the standard light pistol and modified laser welder being some of my personal favorites. They have that cool, robust sound, and not the shrill zap associated with other energy weapons.

It's in the gameplay where Zax differentiates itself from Diablo and the like. Unlike the classic point the cursor, click the button a gagillion times to cause your character to move, attack, and use, style of 'play,' Zax takes an altogether different approach, twisting the tried and true formula into a new beast. Instead of delegating all tasks to the click, Zax melds simplistic keyboard directional arrow control with a little mouse aim. The end result? An at first strange, but then immediately thereafter legitimately gratifying experience. Think of Smash TV, where movement and firing were completely independent of one another. Zax works on the same principle; similar to Abuse, only overhead, Zax aims his weapon via an on screen cursor that moves like any other mouse pointer, he walks in an eight by simple arrow key combinations. This makes for some pretty intense shootouts, running one way and blasting another, but for the most part, the game sadly devoid of any real advanced control. It would have been nice to see some extra movement options complimenting the standard walk/shoot stuff. If the action were slowed just a tad, they could have placed in some kind of dodging/rolling functionality that would have made for more lasting, memorable firefights (darting in and out of cover taking fire and laying it down. Zax is sadly more like Gauntlet: shoot a whole bunch of guys and where applicable destroy their spawning points to prevent reinforcements.

Perhaps better would be using polygonal characters atop the prerendered backdrops as opposed to the hand-drawn ones in place. This would have allowed for a potentially greater degree of fluidity and control, forgoing the incremental eight-way directional movement in favor of a consistent, smooth, flowing turning radius. The stepped eight-way control just seems a bit imprecise for what is trying to be accomplished here. Still, the play found in Zax, judged as a shooter alone, is fun and fresh.

The title could have elevated itself to the level of excellence had it only been developed with more the way of general, RPGish depth. It's control and artistic flair scream to be liberated from its decidedly straightforward, linear gameplay. Oh lordy, only, if only we could really get into upgrading our characters, acquire a whole bunch of the sci-fi equivalent of RPG items, and then engage in a multitude of choice-based conversations, this game would be an instant, timeless classic. What we have instead is a very action intensive linear progression of events and structure. Grab key, open door, proceed. Obviously not what they're exactly calling it (substitute key for ignition switch or ion flux capacitating rectal probe, or whatever), but the ideology, the principle, is the same.

The advancements of your character's arsenal (over twelve weapons) and items, pretty much the only things upgradeable, are brought about by spending ore found throughout the levels back at your crashed ship, which acts as a hub, sort of like the village in the first Diablo. You can get back to your ship through excessively long walks and a little teleportation gateway utilization, or you can also use direct teleporting pads scattered throughout the game world that, if stood next to for a second or two (to prevent accidental zappage) will take you instantly into the loving hull of Zelon, and even directly back to the pad you came from once you're ready. There'll still be a lot of walking, just not nearly as much as there could have been.

Zax also comes built with a multiplayer component that offers up deathmatch, CTF, and salvage king modes. These are fast and furious, but will probably usually amount to just a bunch of people getting right in front of each other's faces shooting like crazy, whilst running in circles. However users may choose to play it out, the fact that it's still in there is a definite bonus.

Zax's raw emphasis on action is its most severe and debilitating limitation, but the simplistic, refreshing, and enjoyable control scheme by which this action is delivered is at the same time its most redeeming and distinguishing quality. If only more emphasis were placed on questing and conversational RPG-like elements, the games raging repetition would have been alleviated enough to make it an astonishing. As a shooter, it excels, but not greatly. As the action RPG it just feels like it should have been (a little due to the engine, a lot due to the design), it falls short, but shows so much potential it literally hurts. I can only pray they make a proper sequel with the same style and design, more depth than Baldur's Gate, and a supped-up combat system. But whether or not that will happen is irrelevant, the fact is, if you want a quick shooter with a solid story than check out Zax, but deep it is not.

-- Ivan Sulic

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